THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY FIFTEEN 15th Meditation Grea
THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY FIFTEEN 15th Meditation Greatness Of Saint Michael In His Love For The Righteous.
I. Saint Michael has a special love for the righteous souls who are on earth. He leads them by enlightening their reason and making them come out of the spiritual sleep of lukewarmness. Like the Lord’s Angel appearing to Saint Peter in the prison where Herod had cast him, in the same way, he reveals himself to the righteous one who is neglectful in prayer, and becomes present through his special protection. Enlightening his mind, he shows him the dangers of lukewarmness, stirs up his will to put a holy fear of God in his heart, makes him come out of his negligence, in order to do good also and ascend towards God.
II. We know that the righteous one, as long as he lives, is subject to error. The false goods of this world sicken his soul; concupiscence, little by little, corrupts his senses. Our will being weakened, we choose evil, thinking it is good, and we drag ourselves along, mistaking good for evil. “Men’s hands hold false scales” says the Psalmist. Leaving the eternal goods aside, men cling to the false and short-lived goods of this world. Saint Michael saves the righteous one from this disorder; he shakes his will, lessens his torpor, enkindles him with a holy fervor, and leads him onto the way of divine principles. He, who is consumed with an ardent and never-to- be-lost charity, sets the soul aflame with this very charity and makes her generous in goodness.
III. Beware, O Christian, that even if you are in a state of grace, state in which every Christian must be, yet, you need the help of Saint Michael. How much negligence is in your prayer! Perhaps are you asleep in the baneful sleep of lukewarmness? If the Archangel does not come to enlighten you and shake your will, we can fear the sleep of lukewarmness will be fatal to you, and may turn mortal. How many faults, committed by the false judgment of your will, which was mistaking evil for good. How many times were you solicited by the low spheres of your being, and you wallowed in impurity. Pray the holy Archangel to kindle his ardent charity in your heart, and teach you how to despise the short-lived goods of this world.
Saint Michael, in my lukewarmness, I have recourse to thee, to find with thee a ray of thy ardent love. Drive lukewarmness from me, enlighten my mind with thy inspirations; lead my will so that it may strongly avoid sin and practice virtue, which is the true and only good.
Hail, Saint Michael, divine messenger for the spiritual benefit of righteous souls, come to my help.
Today, you will receive holy communion, which increases charity.
O Jesus! splendour of the Father
life and virtue of the heart.
The Father’s Power and Glory bright!
Thee with Angels we extol;
from Thee they draw their life and light.
Thy thousand, thousand hosts are spread,
embattled o’er the azure sky;
but Michael bears Thy standard dread,
and lifts the mighty Cross on high.
He in that sign the rebel powers
did with their dragon prince expel:
and hurled them from heaven’s high towers.
down like a thunderbolt to hell.
Grant us with Michael still, O Lord,
against the Prince of Pride to fight;
so may a crown be our reward,
before the Lamb’s pure throne of light.
To God the Father and the Son
and Holy Paraclete to Thee,
as evermore hath been before,
be glory through eternity. Amen.