THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY TWENTY
20th Meditation Greatness Of Saint Michael In His Charity Towards Sinners Who Have Converted.
THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY TWENTY 20th Meditation Greatness Of Saint Michael In His Charity Towards Sinners Who Have Converted.
I. Saint Michael, filled with love for men, after having turned them away from sin, becomes their guide, prince and master in holiness. In his solicitude, he wants to see the disciples of Jesus Christ adorned with virtues. Thus, when Adam had sinned, the Archangel taught him to make a worthy penance and lead a holy life; he instructed him on the things of salvation and the observance of natural law, and revealed to him the secret mysteries of the times to come. He did the same with Eve, for all that was related to her state. Adam, burdened with years, died without relapsing into his fault, rich in virtues and merits, thanks so the good help of Saint Michael, whose charity is as great as the ocean.
II. All sinners who convert can taste of the charity of the glorious Archangel. Those who honor and invoke him experience his charity. Through his protection, the elected people gained the victory over their temporal enemies; in the same way, the sinner who has converted is victorious over his spiritual enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil. He blessed Jacob, and he fills the sinner with blessings; he frees Lot from the fire, Daniel from the lions’ pit, Suzanna from her accusers, and sinners, from the fire of hell and from temptations and calumnies. His charity sustained the courage of martyrs and confessors in the purity of faith; he helps souls to perfection; he urges sinners to repentance by keeping them in humility, obedience and piety. Through his charity, he is really the father and defender of Christians.
III. O Christian, the charity of the Archangel towards you comes from his love for God, whom he wants to see loved. God loves very much the sinner who has come back to Him, like the prodigal son. Therefore, obtain the love and benevolence of Saint Michael, who experiences a great joy when he sees a sinner converting. Even though you are a sinner, you shall receive the benefits of his favors. Do penance for your faults; put an end to your bad life, return to your heavenly Father and pray with a contrite heart.
By my sins, O Lord, I have inspired disgust to Thy infinite goodness. I apologize to Thee. I would rather die than turn away from Thee again. Saint Michael, be my defender, guide and master in the expiation of my sins through penance. Grant me from divine Mercy to produce worthy fruits of penance.
Hail, Saint Michael, from thee descends upon the faithful the grace of light and virtue. Enlighten me.
You will meditate upon the wounds of Jesus Christ crucified and kiss them, promising Him not to fall into sin any more.
O Jesus! splendour of the Father
life and virtue of the heart.
The Father’s Power and Glory bright!
Thee with Angels we extol;
from Thee they draw their life and light.
Thy thousand, thousand hosts are spread,
embattled o’er the azure sky;
but Michael bears Thy standard dread,
and lifts the mighty Cross on high.
He in that sign the rebel powers
did with their dragon prince expel:
and hurled them from heaven’s high towers.
down like a thunderbolt to hell.
Grant us with Michael still, O Lord,
against the Prince of Pride to fight;
so may a crown be our reward,
before the Lamb’s pure throne of light.
To God the Father and the Son
and Holy Paraclete to Thee,
as evermore hath been before,
be glory through eternity. Amen.