THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY SEVENTEEN 17th Meditation Gr
THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY SEVENTEEN 17th Meditation Greatness Of Saint Michael In His Charity Towards The Righteous, To Defend Them Against Evil.
I. The life of the righteous is a continual fight, not only with visible and carnal enemies, but also with invisible and spiritual ones, who unceasingly set up snares for the life of the soul. With such enemies, the fight is continual, and the victory difficult, and only possible when you have the protection of Saint Michael. To the righteous who have fear, he commissions Angels to guard them, and have them gain the victory. In this, remember, O Christian soul, that if the devil turns around you like a roaring lion, to turn you into its prey, then, the Archangel commissions his Angels to help you. Rejoice; you shall not be defeated.
II. All the righteous were tormented by the devil and had recourse to Saint Michael, that is why they gained the victory in the battle. It is said that Blessed Ringa*, threatened by the devil and scared by terrible visions, invoked Saint Michael who, immediately rushing to her help, put this infernal spirit to flight. Once, St Magdalen the penitent saw, in the grotto where she was living, a multitude of vipers and a proud dragon that, opening its mouth wide, wanted to devour her; having invoked the Archangel, the latter drove the terrible beast away. O power of Saint Michael, and terror of hell! His name alone is the ruin of hell. Let us bless God who wants Saint Michael to be glorified in this way.
III. Consider, O Christian, how many victories were gained over the tempting enemy! You moan and afflict because the devil does not leave you a single moment. He astonished, seduced and defeated you so many times. Why do not you have recourse to the prince of the heavenly hosts, since he is so powerful against infernal forces? If you had invoked him, in the past, you would not have been defeated. If you had had recourse to him, when the devil would set within you the fire of impure passions, and try to seduce you by the attractions of the world, then you would not have fallen! Now, this war is not finished. Therefore, turn towards the heavenly warrior. The Church exhorts you to invoke him; if you want to gain the victory call him to your help with the very words of the Church.
Saint Michael, defend me in the battle, so that I may not perish in the terrible judgment. Prince of the heavenly hosts, fighting against infernal forces, I implore thy powerful help in the fight of life, which the devil still wages against me, to overthrow my soul. Be my defender during my life as well as in death, so to gain the crown of glory.
Hail, Saint Michael, who destroys infernal plots, help me never to let myself be seduced by Satan.
You will abstain from a piece of fruit or some food you like.
O Jesus! splendour of the Father
life and virtue of the heart.
The Father’s Power and Glory bright!
Thee with Angels we extol;
from Thee they draw their life and light.
Thy thousand, thousand hosts are spread,
embattled o’er the azure sky;
but Michael bears Thy standard dread,
and lifts the mighty Cross on high.
He in that sign the rebel powers
did with their dragon prince expel:
and hurled them from heaven’s high towers.
down like a thunderbolt to hell.
Grant us with Michael still, O Lord,
against the Prince of Pride to fight;
so may a crown be our reward,
before the Lamb’s pure throne of light.
To God the Father and the Son
and Holy Paraclete to Thee,
as evermore hath been before,
be glory through eternity. Amen.
*Blessed Oringa, or Christiana, or Christine, of the Cross.