THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY SIXTEEN 16th Meditation Grea
THE GREATNESSES OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 40 Days Devotion in Honor of the Heavenly Prince of Angels by Fr. Nicola Ricci, 1869 MONTH OF SAINT MICHAEL: MEDITATIONS DAY SIXTEEN 16th Meditation Greatness Of Saint Michael In His Charity Towards Souls.
I. The righteous soul is exposed to another disorder. Indeed, she often loses strength, decreases or even stops the exercise of virtue, and ends up neglecting the good works that she should be performing. Now, Saint Michael loves the righteous soul when he takes her back onto the path of virtue. He comforts and consoles the pusillanimous hearts, as indicated by Saint Bernard; he helps them in their works, by turning them free and unattached, and by lifting all difficulty. He does with the righteous soul what he did with Elias, pursued by Jesabel. Tired of his ordeals, Elias, laying down under a tree, was asking God for death. Saint Michael appeared to him, revived him, and comforted and consoled him by these words: “Stand up, have this food, and go on your way”. Elias, with this new strength, resumed his journey towards the mountain of God. In the same way, Saint Michael gives comfort and courage back to the righteous soul; “Stand up”, he says to her, “eat some food and resume your journey; stand up to overcome difficulties; taste the delights of grace from above, and walk steadily on the way of God’s holy law, in order to climb the mountain of perfection”.
II. Let us consider what a great love Saint Michael has for the righteous souls, love which leads him to turn the prayers of the righteous more pleasing to God, so that they may be granted more quickly. In the Apocalypse, Saint John saw Saint Michael the Archangel, standing by the altar of the heavenly Temple, with a censer in his hands, in which he was burning the incense that was being presented to him; now, incense and perfumes symbolized prayer. Therefore, the prayers of the righteous are being presented by guardian Angels to Saint Michael, who places them in his golden censer, and makes them more pleasing to God with his own prayer, so that they may be better accepted by the Lord.
III. Acknowledge, O Christian, what a need you have of the help of the heavenly prince. You are languishing and lukewarm in prayer; the way to perfection seems filled with difficulties to you; you think that it is painful to lead a holy life, mortify your senses, resist your passions and lead a life of sacrifice. What a deplorable state! You are neither cold nor hot; if it is the case, “God will vomit you out of His mouth”. For goodness’ sake, listen to the Archangel, who urges you to acquire the gold of charity. Beg him to purify your heart, give you fervor, and carry your prayers to God as an incense of pleasing scent, before the throne of God, from whom you will receive a timely help.
Saint Michael, Angel of charity, I ask and beg for thy charily; I implore thy assistance; make me generous in goodness, and through thy charity, encourage me to walk on the path of the Lord’s Commandments. Cast thy loving eyes upon me and I shall grow fervent in the service of God; I shall despise with courage the difficulties encountered on the way to holiness. If thou dost protect me, my heart will love God fervently, and I shall enjoy Him for eternity.
Hail, Saint Michael, who consolest timid souls, remember me, pray to the Son of God for me, now and ever.
You will pay a visit to a prisoner, or send him some support.
O Jesus! splendour of the Father
life and virtue of the heart.
The Father’s Power and Glory bright!
Thee with Angels we extol;
from Thee they draw their life and light.
Thy thousand, thousand hosts are spread,
embattled o’er the azure sky;
but Michael bears Thy standard dread,
and lifts the mighty Cross on high.
He in that sign the rebel powers
did with their dragon prince expel:
and hurled them from heaven’s high towers.
down like a thunderbolt to hell.
Grant us with Michael still, O Lord,
against the Prince of Pride to fight;
so may a crown be our reward,
before the Lamb’s pure throne of light.
To God the Father and the Son
and Holy Paraclete to Thee,
as evermore hath been before,
be glory through eternity. Amen.