Novena to St. Thomas of Villanova. Sept 13 - 21
Novena to St. Thomas of Villanova.
Sept 13 - 21
Most glorious Saint Thomas, pattern of Christian perfection and perfect model of priestly zeal, by that glory which as a reward of thy merits, has been granted thee in heaven, turn thine eyes of mercy upon us and come to our assistance before the throne of the Most High. While living on earth thou didst have as thy chief characteristic the very charity of Christ. Armed with this thou didst spend thine entire life in giving aid to the wretched, counsel to the doubtful, and consolation to the afflicted; thou didst draw back to the paths of virtue those who had gone astray, thus bringing to Jesus Christ the souls redeemed by His Precious Blood. Now that thou art so powerful in heaven, continue thy task of giving help to all and be our watchful protector, so that, through thine intercession, being delivered from all temporal misfortunes and confirmed in our faith and in love, we may be victors in our struggle with the powers of evil and may merit with thee to praise and bless our Lord through all eternity. Amen.