Novena to St. Rita 2 (Patron of lost and impossible causes, sickness, wounds, marital problems and abuse, mothers) May 13 - 21
Novena to St. Rita 2 (Patron of lost and impossible causes, sickness, wounds, marital problems and abuse, mothers)
May 13 - 21
V. In the Name (✠) of the Father... R. Amen.
Litany to St. Rita
for private use only.
V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Christ have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
R. Christ graciously hear us.
V. God the Father of Heaven, R. ☧
V. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Who hast
said, “Ask, and thou shall receive; seek and thou
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto thee,” R. ☧
V. God the Holy Ghost, Spirit of Wisdom,
Understanding, Counsel and Knowledge, R. ☧
V. Holy Trinity, One God, infinite in power, R. ☧
V. Holy Mary, who doth never refuse a petition, R. *
V. Immaculate Virgin, Queen of Heaven and earth, R. *
V. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, R. *
V. Holy angels, spirits of humility, R. *
V. Holy principalities, protectors of religious communities, R. *
V. Holy virtues, angels of fortitude, R. *
V. Holy cherubim, angels of light and truth, R. *
V. Saint Rita, ‘Advocate of the Impossible’, R. *
V. Saint Rita, consecrated to God, R. *
V. Saint Rita, lover of Jesus (☨) Crucified, R. *
V. Saint Rita, bridge of the suffering Savior, R. *
V. Saint Rita, filled with compassion for the sufferings of Christ, R. *
V. Saint Rita, crowned by an angel with a crown of thorns, R. *
V. Saint Rita, who didst bear the wound
of this mysterious crown on thy forehead, R. *
V. Saint Rita, who didst firmly trust in the loving mercy of Jesus, R. *
V. Saint Rita, who didst importune the dying Savior
with ardent supplications, R. *
V. Saint Rita, who didst never doubt a gracious answer to thy prayer, R. *
V. That we may renounce all self-love,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That we may confidently trust in the promises of Christ,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That the enemies of our salvation may be put to confusion,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That we may ever perfectly fulfill the will of God,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That our inclinations to evil may be destroyed,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That the Faith in all its purity may be spread over our land, R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That a holy zeal may fill our hearts,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That we may infuse a holy love for chastity
into all who come in contact with us,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That in all our actions and omissions
we may endeavor to promote a tender charity,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That we may be delivered from all avarice,
vainglory and rash judgment,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That great saints may arise in our land who will edify
the people and dispel the darkness of unbelief,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. That we may be delivered from all interior enemies,
R. Pray for us, St. Rita.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, St. Rita,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
V. Let us pray.
O glorious St. Rita, who didst miraculously participate in the Sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus (☨) Christ,
R. Obtain for me the grace to suffer with resignation * the
troubles of this life * and protect me in all my needs. * Amen.
Novena Prayer to St. Rita.
V. Holy Patroness of those in need, St. Rita,
R. Thou wert humble, pure and patient. * Thy pleadings with
thy divine Spouse are irresistible, * hence we beg thee to obtain for us from our Crucified Lord * the request we
make of thee.
(Pause and state your intentions)
V. If it be for the greater glory of God.
R. Be gracious to us, O Saint of the Impossible, * and we shall
honor thee and sing thy praises forever. * Amen.
V. In the Name (✠) of the Father... R. Amen.
☧ Have Mercy on Us * Pray for us.