Novena to Saint Martina of Rome, Virgin, Martyr 1
Jan 21 - 29
Citizens of Rome! sing to the celebrated name of the glorious Martina. Sing the praises of this admirable Virgin and Martyr of Christ.
She was born of noble parents, and was brought up in every delicacy, surrounded by all that could pamper nature, and with riches of a princely house at her command.
But she spurns these luxuries, dedicates herself to the Creator of all things, and with a liberal hand distributes her riches to the poor of Christ, that she may gain the riches of heaven.
She shrinks not at the torturing hook, the wild beasts, or the cruel wound-inflicting rods. Angels descend from heaven, comforting her with divine food.
The very lions lose their fierceness, and tamely come crouching at her feet. The sword, Martina gave thee the wished-for death, and death united thee to the choirs of heaven.
Our ceaseless prayers mount up to thee from thine altar, where clouds of incense shroud devotion's love; and thy blessed name banishes that of the false deity Mars.
Do thou protect thy fatherland and give to Christian countries the rest of holy peace, driving unto Thracian coasts the din of arms and war.
Marshal the armies of princes under the banner of the Cross, deliver Jerusalem from her chains. Avenge innocent blood, and once for all crush down the Turkish foe.
O thou our Patron, and our City's Saint I see this homage of our loving hearts. Hear the prayers of thy Rome, which on this festive day offers thee its hymns and reveres thy name.
O God, whose arm protects the Martyrs, take from us the pleasures which would make us fall. O Triune God, give to Thy servants the blessed light, wherewith Thy mercy crowns the soul with bliss.