January 17 Saint Sulpicius the Pious of Bourges (Pius of Bourges,Sulpice of Bourges, Sulpicius the Pious) Bishop with miraculous gifts who converted many of the Jews.
January 17 Saint Sulpicius the Pious of Bourges (Pius of Bourges,
Sulpice of Bourges, Sulpicius the Pious) Bishop with miraculous gifts who converted many of the Jews.
died 647
Bourges, France.
late vocations priests
patients with pains
Patients with gout
patients with skin conditions
Sulpicius was born at Vatan (Diocese of Bourges), of noble, wealthy parents. From his youth he devoted himself to good works and to the study of Scripture. He renounced marriage and donated his large patrimony to the Church and the poor.
Austregisilus, Bishop of Bourges, ordained him cleric of his church, then deacon, and finally made him director of his episcopal school.
Clotaire II (King of the Franks from 613 to 629), who had heard of his merits, summoned him and made him almoner and chaplain of his armies. He once restored the dangerously ill king to health through his prayers and fasting.
Upon the death of Bishop Austregisilus, Clothaire had Sulpicius elevated to the see of Bourges. In that responsible position, Sulpicius manifested a wonderful zeal, prudence, and exactitude of discipline. His days were spent in apostolic labors, and his nights devoted to prayer. He was noted in his monastery for his obedience, piety, silence and sobriety; in which virtues he surpassed all the other members of his community.
He gained popular admiration for his generosity, solicitude, and defense of his people against the tyranny of the Merovingian kings, particularly an official of King Dagobert. Dagobert I sent his representative the merciless general Lollo (Lollonius) to reside at Bourges and to bring the city more closely under the king's command. Sulpicius intervened with King Dagobert on behalf of his flock, of whom a too heavy tax was exacted. When the people came complaining of their treatment to Sulpicius, he decreed a three-day fast for clergy and laity, but also sent one of his clergy, Ebargisilus by name, to the king, and the tax was remitted.
His charity seemed inexhaustible and evinced itself in miraculous powers. His eloquence worked wonders among the Jews, numbers of whom were converted to Christianity by his means.
The fame of his sanctity having pervaded all Aquitaine, many that were sick were brought to this Saint to be healed; and one day he was called to a boy who had died of hunger. Saint Sulpicius, after examining the corpse, ordered it to be carried to his cell, where, with many prayers and tears, he threw himself over it; and soon the boy awoke as if from sleep, and rose refreshed. Nor was this the only life that was restored by the prayers of the good Archbishop. He quelled a tumult which arose in consequence of the avarice of the Queen, who caused heavy taxes to be imposed on the poor, and, by his exhortations and denunciations, he induced Clothaire to repent. The King laid aside his royal robes, and, with tears and protestations, begged forgiveness for his sins; and, as an expiatory offering to God, he made rich offerings to the Church.
In 627, Sulpicius attended the council of Clichy.
Towards the end of his life Sulpicius took a coadjutor, Vulfoleudus, and retired to a monastery which he had founded near Bourges in order to spend more time in solitude.
Saint Sulpicius died at a good old age, in the year 647, to the great sorrow of his people. His death and funeral were attended by extraordinary demonstrations of popular mourning. The enormous crowds made it almost impossible for the officiating clergy to conduct the burial service. Many notable miracles were performed at his tomb and it became a place of pilgrimage.
In his honour the church of Saint-Sulpice was built in Paris, from which the Society of Saint-Sulpice derives its name.
Eternal Father, I wish to honor St. Sulpicius, and I give Thee thanks for all the graces Thou hast bestowed upon him. I ask Thee to please increase grace in my soul through the merits of this saint, and I commit the end of my life to him by this special prayer, so that by virtue of Thy goodness and promise, St. Sulpicius might be my advocate and provide whatever is needed at that hour. Amen.