Angelic Vision of Saint Theresa of Avila.
Angelic Vision of Saint Theresa of Avila.
"Sometimes, it has pleased God," said the illustrious St. Theresa, "to make me see an angel at my" left hand, and under a corporal form, which is a rare occurrence. That is why I make the observation; for although I often have visions of angels, they pass without my perceiving them with the eyes of my body. The one who appeared to me on the occasion of which I speak, was small, and of a beauty so admirable and so magnificent, that I took it for one of those superior spirits, all fire and love, which are called Seraphim. This angel held in his hand a large dart, which seemed to me of gold, and carried fire at its point. It appeared to me that he plunged it into my heart at several different times, and the pain was so severe that I could not help crying out, although it was not corporal suffering. This happened spiritually, and, a wonderful prodigy, the pain was accompanied by so piercing a sweetness, that I was far from wishing a cessation of such delicious suffering.